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Powering performance with engaged employees

Engagement affects performance. Engagement affects the bottom line. We would go even further: we believe that engagement is impossible to separate from performance because the two are inextricably linked.

Our whitepaper looks at engage­ment in the con­text of per­for­mance. Based on data from decades of stud­ies and sup­ple­ment­ed by our own research, it offers a new frame­work for engage­ment that dri­ves pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and prof­itabil­i­ty. Cre­at­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with work­place psy­chol­o­gist Ian MacRae, it’s designed to give you a new per­spec­tive on work engage­ment and how that can trans­late into sus­tain­able high performance. 

Engage­ment is not just a HR issue. It is an issue that should mat­ter to every senior leader in every organization.

What is Advanced Clear Review? 

Advanced Clear Review allows for the setting and tracking of clear, agile goals, encourages regular conversations between management and employees, and provides staff the opportunity to give and receive feedback to and from co-workers. Improve communication, engagement and well-being, resulting in a happier, more productive work force.

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The Academy is our free online community that anybody can join to learn more about continuous performance management. Here you can take courses, see exclusive content and webinars, and network with over 2,000 other likeminded individuals. 

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