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Employee Wellbeing

Productivity is rooted in wellbeing. People don’t perform at their best if they aren’t comfortable, happy or healthy. Everybody in the workplace has a role to play when it comes to wellbeing. Colleagues, managers, leadership team and HR all have a responsibility to ensure it is a place where employees feel safe and at ease.

There are many ways in which businesses can ensure workplace wellbeing is prioritised through policy and behaviours. It needs to be a key strategic initiative, encouraging open conversations about mental and physical health. Investing in technology that supports the needs of employees – from full lifecycle HR systems through to automated software that frees people up to focus on important work – also has a part to play.  

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Emerging trends

Stats from the 2021 Workforce Trends Survey Report


of respondents lack confidence about the safety of the workplace


18-24-year-olds use their bedroom when working from home


when thinking about a return to the office, 47% are worried about maintaining a work / life balance


employees would like their boss to trial a 4-day week

Additional insights to help you transform


  • How to support the mental health of your people

    After the upheaval of the past year, coupled with continued concerns over returns to the office, it’s no surprise that employees find themselves battling heightened levels of work-related stress.

    Read blog
    an image associated withHow to support the mental health of your people Blog
  • How to avoid the dangers of 'always-on culture'

    Our latest whitepaper takes a look at some of the ways organisations can bridge the gap between their hybrid workforce and how best to instil a greater balance between work and home life.

    Read blog
    an image associated withHow to avoid the dangers of 'always-on culture' Blog
  • Top 5 tips for a finance team’s journey to recovery

    Webinar View webinar
  • Top ten factors for safeguarding your workforce

    Blog Read blog
  • Safeguarding the financial wellbeing of your employees

    Blog Read blog

Expert Insight

“To support staff, we would always... encourage conversations about employee wellbeing to give the opportunity to address any issues early before they become a problem.”  

Sam Fuller

Expert Insight

“One of the challenges for leaders is that they often try to fix things and help people resolve their problems. That isn’t their job. It’s about understanding and listening, being flexible to people’s individual needs and keeping an eye on them. By building psychological safety, a place where it is safe to talk about wellbeing, leaders can retain valuable talent.”  

Sam Fuller


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Top Tips


4 Tips

for improving mental health and wellbeing in the workplace

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      • Encourage conversations about mental health
      • Make sure employees are taking regular breaks throughout the day
      • Set up workshops which encourage healthy habits such as exercise and meditation classes
      • Ensure employees are setting clear work/personal life boundaries and switching off from work

    If you are looking for practical tips and guidance on encouraging mental health best practice in the workplace, take a look at our mental health and wellbeing guide written by our Head of Employee Engagement, Claire Ross


4 Tips

to support employee mental health

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      • Model healthy behaviour – employees will be more likely to take breaks during the day and stick to working hours if those behaviours are displayed at management and leadership level. Business leaders should also set examples around switching off at the end of the working day and not encourage employees to respond to emails outside of office hours.
      • Encourage discussions around mental health – make the time to catch up with employees and genuinely ask how they are and take a clear interest in their wellbeing and personal life as well as their career goals
      • Offer workplace flexibility – people have different personal situations and many of us are juggling commitments outside of our professional life. Ensure you offer your team flexibility where possible so they work in the way which suits them best. Lean into the flexibility offered by the new working structure and communicate to your employees that you understand they also have some domestic commitments.
      • Communicate more than you think you should – in a hybrid working world many employees can end up feeling isolated and alone. Communicating more frequently helps employees feel valued and heard.


4 Tips

to build trust in your people

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    Team building and building trust virtually continues to be a challenge when managing hybrid workforces. Whether your people choose to spend the majority of their working week at home or in the office, the separation from the wider workforce can often lead to a degree of stress and anxiety. Some useful tips to mitigate the impact of a disparate workforce include:

    • Over-communicate – put in regular team catch-ups which are both work-related and just for fun. Getting to know each other and having those ‘water cooler’ conversations is key to building trust in colleague relationships.
    • Be flexible – don’t check up on your teams; instead, trust them to get the job done. Working remotely looks different to working in the office and you should allow your team to work in a way that suits them and measure them on output, not when they log in every day. Trust is one of the key elements in helping your people feel engaged and happy with their work.
    • Lead by example – if you trust your team to deliver they will do the same for other colleagues they interact with, and this will help to build a culture of trust across the organisation. Allow your employees to fully disengage from work at the end of the day and discourage picking up emails and enquiries outside of working hours.
    • Set clear goals and expectations – give employees a clear view of what they are expected to deliver. Also use this as an opportunity to clearly define company policy and expectation around mental and physical wellbeing and communicate any initiatives or measures you have in place to look after your people.

    Get further insight in the latest blog from our Head of Employee Engagement: Staying Connected in a Virtual World


4 Tips

for stress awareness in the workplace

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      • Increase your knowledge and understanding of mental health
      • Talk openly about mental health and encourage your team to do the same
      • Establish new ways of working which are driven by healthy habits (e.g. switching off your laptop at the end of every day, taking regular breaks)
      • Introduce an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) to give employees extra support if they need it

      For further guidance take a look at: Supporting employee mental health and wellbeing


4 Tips

for safeguarding your employees' financial wellbeing

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    • Ensure that your HR team has clear and constant lines of communication open with employees
    • Communicate frequently about the services available to your teams such as the Citizens Advice Bureau or the Money and Pensions Service
    • Set up pension workshops so employees have full visibility of their options
    • Think about increasing flexibility with the pay process in your business, allowing access to a portion of their wages early, should unexpected costs arise or domestic disasters happen

    For further advice, take a look at our financial safeguarding guide.


4 Tips

to support employee wellbeing remotely

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    • Commit to regular one-to-ones where you listen to employee feedback on how they are and how they are finding their role
    • Encourage calls with the camera on – having face-to-face interactions helps to decrease feelings of isolation and loneliness
    • Promote useful resources and guides around mental wellbeing and managing stress
    • Over-communicate with your teams – ensure they know you are always available if they are struggling or just need some extra support or guidance

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is employee wellbeing?

    Simply put, employee wellbeing refers to the state of being comfortable, both mentally and physically within their working environment. Employers have a responsibility to ensure that they are mitigating the negative impacts of different conditions and dynamics within the workplace wherever possible. Employee wellbeing forms a key component of employee retention and employers who fail to make matters of wellbeing a priority, run the risk of high employee attrition rates.   

    Find out more about employee wellbeing in our guide: The importance of Mental Health for all

  • Who is responsible for wellbeing in the workplace?

    Everybody in the workplace has a role to play when it comes to wellbeing. Colleagues, managers, the leadership and HR teams all have a responsibility to ensure employees feel comfortable and safe in the workplace.

    There are many ways in which businesses can ensure wellbeing in the workplace is being prioritised through policy and behaviours. The responsibility for devising and communicating policy and procedures to help safeguard the wellbeing of their people will generally fall at the feet of HR teams. Although Business owners have an obligation to be mindful of the physical and mental wellbeing of their employees, the expertise of HR teams will undoubtedly be leveraged in order to help guide the development of any initiatives.

  • How do you support wellbeing at work?

    Supporting wellbeing in the workplace needs to be a key strategic initiative in order to be successful. Policies should support employees to feel comfortable in the workplace and open conversations about mental health should be encouraged, at every level of the organisation.

     Read our guide, Employee mental health: How can managers better support the mental health of their people, to discover practical tips for how to implement an effective wellbeing strategy.

  • What is meant by safeguarding in the workplace?

    Safeguarding in the workplace is the act of ensuring all of your employees have their wellbeing, health and rights protected when they are at work. There are a range of factors which employers need to consider when looking at employee safeguarding, including age, disability, dietary requirements, mental health requirements and more. This is explained in further detail in our guide: Top ten factors for safeguarding your workforce.

  • Why do we need safeguarding in the workplace?

    Safeguarding is important to ensure that your employees feel comfortable in the workplace, and as a way to achieve higher employee engagement and retention. There are a wide range of factors employers need to consider when safeguarding their workforce, and different elements will be more or less applicable for your business depending on the diversity of your employees.

  • How can you safeguard employee financial wellbeing?

    In order to safeguard employee financial wellbeing, you need to have this built into your wellbeing strategy. Having robust policies and procedures around this really helps. For further guidance on what legislation you should follow and put into place in your business, take a look at our guide: A short guide to safeguarding the financial wellbeing of your employees.

  • How do you promote mental health in the workplace?

    Promoting good mental health within the workplace is very important. Businesses should ensure they have policies in place to support employees with challenges in this area, as well as encourage conversations with managers about mental health.

    Promoting good mental health should also become part of the culture within your organisation. Take a look at our blog, Promoting Mental health in the workplace, for guidance on how to make this happen.

  • How can promoting health and wellbeing in the workplace help?

    Ensuring that employees feel comfortable in discussing their mental health and wellbeing means your employees are more likely to succeed at work. By feeling cared for by the organisation, they will feel able to speak out if they are struggling or need additional help – meaning there is less likely to be a build-up of problems and work-related stress. 

    This has become more challenging for many businesses with a move to hybrid working. With elements of remote working now being folded into the long term business strategies of organisations moving forward, it will be more vital than ever that businesses have a structure in place to help support their people.

  • What kind of strategies can promote mental health?

    Having technology which allows employees to provide feedback to the business is really important. Employees should also be ensuring they take regular breaks to rest and take some time away from work to reset and destress. This can be easily tracked alongside absence, holidays, mental health logs and physical health struggles if you have the right technology in place. 

    Having frequent conversations with managers about mental health is also pivotal to ensuring stress is not built up and made unmanageable. Managers should ensure they have awareness of stress within their team. Our guide to stress awareness in the workplace explains how this can be achieved.

  • How can HR managers support employee mental health?

    Managers should be encouraging their team members to be honest and open about their mental health and empower employees to be honest if they are struggling. By having frequent check-ins and catch-ups with team members and recording frequent feedback, this should help avoid any build-up of stress or uncomfortable feelings at work. 

     Stress awareness is really key for all managers. Our guide to stress awareness explains how managers can implement this within their teams. We can also offer practical advice on employee mental health for those who want to put a wider strategy in place.

  • How do you support staff with mental health issues?

    Employers should ensure  mental health is a topic which is openly discussed at all levels of the business – from the executive team all the way through leadership teams and managers. Managers should normalise mental health discussions and help to raise awareness of issues and how employees can seek assistance from the business.

    Our guide provides further practical advice for managers seeking to support the mental health of their people.


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