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Advanced and Irwin Mitchell Solicitors collaborate for a good cause

19/01/2024 minute read OneAdvanced PR

As we begin a fresh new year, a one-of-a-kind event is taking place across the offices of Advanced and Irwin Mitchell Solicitors. Our IT teams, representing both organisations, have united to take on an extraordinary challenge: The Resolution Walkathon. This adventure will see our determined IT personnel clocking up an impressive total of 1,093 miles through the month, journeying through each of the 22 offices of Advanced and Irwin Mitchell across the United Kingdom.

Our very own Glenn Walker, a Technical Services Analyst at Advanced, currently at the Birmingham Irwin Mitchell office, shares his thoughts. "Last year, a small group of us set off on a similar adventure, enjoying both the physical fitness and opportunity to make a difference. This year, we're set on taking the challenge even further by integrating the teams from Advanced and Irwin Mitchell. It's a friendly rivalry, with each team striving to complete the route the quickest."

This is more than just a personal physical challenge. As Glenn goes on to explain, "Beyond the physical trial, there’s a deeper purpose - supporting a cause that strikes a chord with us all. Mental health is an issue close to our hearts, and we are certain that by endorsing Mental Health UK, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those wrestling with mental health struggles."

Rachel Schofield, IT Service Delivery Manager at Irwin Mitchel, adds: “I first learned about the challenge from a colleague who was rallying Irwin Mitchell's Procurement and CIO teams to take part. I am immensely proud of the number of colleagues who have committed to take part and raise funds for Mental Health UK in the process. It's spurred us to spend more time outdoors and I've found it has positively influenced my own mental wellbeing as well. It's all too easy to work through your lunch, but this ensures we are stepping away from our desks and taking a break. Before January, I'd have averaged about 2000 steps on a working day, but now I'm surpassing my 10,000-step goal. The Strava group and rankings are providing that extra bit of motivation to keep moving."

Their journey kicks off in the city of Glasgow, winds its way southward to Southampton, and then loops back up to Sheffield. Currently, Irwin Mitchell holds the baton of leadership, having surged ahead from Cardiff, while the Advanced team, showing unwavering resolve, has just crossed York and is setting its sights on Hull.

It's still early days, with a challenging journey ahead still to come. This is an admirable undertaking, and it’s making a positive difference for a very worthy cause. If you would like to contribute to this cause, please feel free to donate here.