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Miles Osborne appointed Customer Success Director: Managing Director for Legal & Education, Doug Hargrove comments on our latest legal team promotion

11/10/2022 minute read Doug Hargrove

I am delighted to announce that, with immediate effect, Miles Osborne is promoted to the role of Director of Customer Success for the Advanced Legal business.

Miles joined Advanced as part of the Tikit Acquisition in April 2020 where he was part of Tikit’s Senior Leadership team responsible for the Support of all the Tikit Products. With over 27 years of knowledge of the legal IT market place Miles joined Advanced where he quickly established himself as a member of my Legal Senior Leadership Team continuing to be responsible for the support of the products which came as part of the Tikit acquisition. Miles has been instrumental in ensuring that his team transitioned over to Advanced processes and systems seamlessly as well as continuing to provide excellent support to our clients.

With this appointment Miles will bring his exemplary approach to supporting the legal customer base into the much wider role of customer success. I am confident Miles will champion and drive Customer Success within the legal business and congratulate him on his appointment into this critical role.

Customer Success is a major investment within the Advanced Legal business. The core principles are to ensure our customers are getting maximum value from their investment in Advanced software and are therefore satisfied to regularly renew. In addition, to ensure customers are clearly aware of how to navigate Advanced and what additional products and services are available to them. Customer Success are not targeting on sales, this is the role of the Account Manager, and are an investment by Advanced in the satisfaction of our customer community. Miles has always demonstrated a clear desire to ensure the Tikit customer community receive an exceptional customer experience and is therefore the perfect individual to take on the enlarged Director of Customer Success role across all of our products and customers

Miles appointment means that Matt Horton will immediately take over the responsibility for the support teams Miles was responsible for bringing together excellence in support across the Legal Advanced business. Matt has been with the Advanced support organisation for over 19 years and he and Miles have been working closely together since Tikit joined Advanced. Miles and Matt will continue working closely together as part of their Customer Success and Customer Support roles.
