What is great performance management?
One of the most important keys to a happy, committed, and productive workforce in a busy healthcare organisation is managing individual performance.
Strong and continuous performance management has so many benefits to a healthcare organisation, its workforce and ultimately to patients. The idea that a years’ worth of performance management, including goal setting, development conversations, progress tracking and ensuring non-clinical team members are engaged and happy can be done in one annual meeting is very outdated!
In order to keep non-clinical employees productive, engaged and happy you need to focus on their performance management all year round. Let’s take a look at why performance management software could be so valuable to transforming the performance of non-clinical staff in a healthcare organisation.
1. Monthly one on one meetings
Sometimes managers get busy, especially in a fast pace setting like urgent and secondary care, and may forget or be unable to check in on their teams as frequently as they would like. This means people might end up struggling in silence without some dedicated time to raise concerns with their manager.
2. Short term goal setting
Annual objectives are outdated and counterproductive. Very few people are likely to stay focussed and motivated with the same objectives for a full year, and if company objectives shift for any reason, employee objectives may become out of sync with what the organisation is trying to achieve.
Short term agile goals employees can remain better focused, and goals can be changed to adapt with the objectives of the organisation or their wider team at that time, and tracking progress against these goals gives managers a clearer idea of how their employee is performing.
3. An engagement tracking tool
Keeping an eye on the engagement levels within your organisation means that managers and HR teams can react in real time if they see an issue. Asking employees to anonymously answer a few multiple-choice questions every few weeks that are designed to measure engagement levels, you can see if engagement levels increase or drop, and potentially pinpoint factors that might be affecting this.
4. Frequent development conversations
If an employee doesn’t see a future at your organisation, they may become unmotivated and start thinking about looking for employment elsewhere. This can be detrimental to your organisation and its patients. That’s why encouraging continuous feedback is really important. Show your employees that you don’t just care about how they are performing now, but you are also invested in their future.
5. Enable feedback
Enabling the giving and receiving of feedback between all employees in your organisation is a great way to boost engagement. Positive feedback allows a job well done to be highlighted, and constructive feedback can be given in order to help people improve and work on their skill set moving forward.
In a busy NHS setting like urgent care or secondary care, a job well done can sometimes get overlooked by managers. With co-workers feedback, managers can see call outs from other members of staff, giving them a fuller and fairer view of an employee’s performance.
6. A way of tracking all of these things
In order to get a full and fair look at a person’s progression, ensure all the things you are doing in your performance management space are properly recorded. This way when it comes to reviewing, rewarding or promotion readiness conversations, you have a full view of the person’s performance, from progress against goals, feedback they have given and received, and outcomes of performance and development conversations. All of this means no more recency bias and an all-round fairer process.
To find out more about our Continuous Performance Management solution and how it can keep your non-clinical staff motivated and happy, get in touch with a member of our team today.